Monday, April 23, 2007

War Profiteering seems cool, but why?

Here is a 2 minute animation that gives a nice summary of the "Military Industrial Complex" as Eisenhower coined it. What can we learn from this? Basically that if your looking into a future of war profiteering which is and always has been very lucrative, your in luck! Because for over 60 years now we've has the social, political and economic infrastructure in place for you to convert these wars into cash!

About 3 years ago I ordered a deck of cards from the Ruckus Society website that had not the faces of Iraqi military and political officials during Oil War II, but the faces of those who profited off of the war effort.
"The War Profiteers Card Deck exposes some of the real war criminals in the US’s endless War of Terror. " Some might view these brave men as heroes in our economic battle to support the all American military industrial complex. Perhaps it's time to upgrade to hydrogen Hummers and solar powered apache helicopters to cut costs!

Download the deck in PDF form

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.